Longuicher Weinstraßenkirmes 2013 (aka A Festival in My Village)

Hello my lovely readers. I have had a busy few days, but wanted to get a little post out about my weekend before moving on to fill you in about our quick trip to Hamburg Monday.

One of the things I love about Germany is their regard for tradition and celebration of tradition. Germany has so many different festivals throughout the year, but summer is definitely the most popular time. This past weekend I was able to participate in our local “Kirmes” which in the US would be comparable to a down-sized version of a state fair. While these may be smaller versions than our US friends, they are unique to almost every village and their size depends on the size of the city or village. So instead of having one big one only located in big cities, they also have smaller versions in small villages like mine.

The basics are the same and there is always plenty to eat and drink! From wine bars to bier gartens, you can definitely find something to quench your thirst and you can’t go without some currywurst and pommes frites! There will be rides and games for the kids as well as cotton candy, candied almonds and even yummy crepes. Some tiny details stood out to this expat as they were such a identifiers of part of German culture. For instance, all the tables were neatly set with runners or small square table cloths beneath the ash trays allowing for simple but tasteful decor. Also, there was a designated area for Kaffee und Kuchen (coffe and cake); if you’ve been to Germany for any period of time you are well aware of this daily routine! And on the final day of the fair, they had a whole program specifically for the kinder (children) with a bouncy castle, puppet theater and games.

*****Disclaimer - Please forgive the horrible photography skills exhibited in the following photos**********************

Yummy Curry Wurst!

Just one of the wine bars

Candy, cookies, & kids toys

A ride for the kids and maybe the adults too. :-)

Yes I had to post this just to show how clean Germans are! This is a festival and this bathroom is almost immaculate!

M and I spent all of our time at one particular bar drinking Viez Limo (apple wine with orange Fanta). Oh. So. Good. I noticed while we were standing there that they had signs on the cash drawer stating “LPV”. M explained that the money collected from the sales at this bar would go to fund Fastnacht (Fasching) next year. Fasching is an annual carnival held around February/March time frame which is very similar to Mardi Gras. The village prepares their own parade with floats, candy, drink and more. You will definitely see posts from this girl next year with more details! Anyway, my point is that I really admire the planning and thought that goes into all of these traditions and celebrations. It’s definitely on my list of reasons why I love this country and feel lucky to call it home!

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6 Responses to Longuicher Weinstraßenkirmes 2013 (aka A Festival in My Village)

  1. Gypsy says:

    Oh, I love this! Outdoor festival, food, drink, play, fun … how could it not be fab? Thanks for the pics; we get to see what great weather you had!

  2. Brings back good times. Fasching?? Was wayyy too much fun when we lived there.

  3. I love that you highlighted how clean the bathrooms are here in Germany. It’s one thing I keep noticing but have never thought to mention. I was just at Schloss Heidelberg last weekend and the *free* public bathroom was spotless. Why can’t Americans figure this out?

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