Five Simple Things #3

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you are enjoying these weekly posts about gratitude. I really can’t express enough how much they help me maintain a positive attitude during stressful times. I’m not saying this is a  cure-all, but it definitely can reframe your thinking! Here is my recap from last week:

1. M is currently on a temporary job assignment that he is really enjoying. They have still not asked for permanency, but they did ask him to stay awhile and sent others home.

2. I finally received some baby spoons and forks I ordered because I was unable to find the kind I wanted here. It has made such a big difference in helping our little monster eat with utensils. He is so excited!

3. One of the ladies in a local group I recently joined messaged me on Facebook and ended up bringing her two little boys over on Friday. We walked along the Mosel and took the kids to the two different playgrounds here. It was so lovely to have some adult conversation and so nice of her to reach out to me.

4. Sons of Anarchy. Do I need to say anymore?

5. It’s been raining ALOT. I can’t express how much I LOVE THE RAIN! This alone makes me happy; sleepy sometimes, but happy!

I hope you all had a great week last week and that this one is also going well. I love to hear your thanks for the week! Please share with me and it can be both the good and the bad! Looking forward to hearing from you!

GRAD-ITUDE 101: A Linkup By Chimerikal

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19 Responses to Five Simple Things #3

  1. We have had rain too and I also am so happy about it!

  2. I’m sick of the rain… and the cold. Just goes to show we are all different.

    Today I am grateful that I was able to eat breakfast without too much discomfort.

  3. I miss the rain! The sound, the smell, everything! :)

  4. I love this link up! & I love reading what others are thankful for :) Everything you listed seems to be wonderful! I haven’t really learned to love the rain yet, but I’ve grown to tolerate it. Maybe one day I’ll learn to be at peace with it haha :)

  5. Yes, yes, yes to Sons of Anarchy! I am glad the rain has brought on boot and scarf weather, but I’m ready to see some blue sky for a day or two.

  6. Oh you LOVE the rain :D that is always good here in Germany! It sometimes takes the pressure of of having to go outside (like when the sun is out around here lol) but it’s also lovely to just sometimes take a walk in the rain :) So good to be alive :D Happy Wednesday Deanna!

  7. I’m so glad you’re still enjoying this linkup and I love popping over to see what your five things are going to be! That’s really cool about the playdate meetup! :)

  8. sarainlepetitvillage

    No.4 Hells to the yeah! I heart SOA. I heart it hard.

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