Tag Archives: Trier

It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Can’t you just hear Mr. Rogers now? Or am I dating myself? Either way, it is a beautiful day in my neighborhood! I LOVE where I live and it occurred to me I should join up with the “Lately” link up and share those weekly reasons why my life here is so wonderful. I also think this could be a great way to stay positive and prevent that “expat funk” from setting in as we all know it can sneak up on you!

This is my past Saturday: waking up hearing hot air balloons over my roof {yes, they were so low I could hear them and you could see others in the distance}


then shopping with my two boys in the beautiful Trier Hauptmarkt….

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Life is all what you make of it and lately, I’ve made it pretty wonderful. Happy Friday!

We Took the Road Less Traveled