So You Want To Be An Expat Blogger

It would look like this in real life.

So, who here likes books and booze? Well, I do and now that I have your attention, I highly suggest you check out Tipsy Lit. I first heard of this site through Emily, one of my favorite parenting bloggers as it’s a place where she not only writes, but is also the managing editor. Tipsy Lit, started by Ericka Clay, has a great community of writers with a lot of interaction through their book club as well as weekly writing prompt contests. They have several contributing writers that do book reviews, discuss writing tips and techniques and they talk about wine. A lot. They even have a bartender as one of their writers! Who could not love this place?



expat bloggerIt’s no secret that I have been trying to focus more on my writing and I was ecstatic when Emily suggested that I share a post about expat/travel writing. In no way am I claiming to be any type of expert on this subject, but I have learned a few things along the way and thought I’d share what I know. So friends, that’s where you can find me today. I hope you’ll go over and check out my post, say hello and even share some of your tips about being an expat blogger!

What are some tips about expat/travel writing you have learned along the way? What do you think is important to have in a good travel piece or expat lifestyle piece? 

***Comments have been turned off here to encourage you to go and share your wonderful knowledge on my Tipsy Lit post. Thanks!*****


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  1. Pingback: A new beginning…about joining the circus and life in 2014 | living the american dream in europe

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