Dear Doc McStuffins

Image Courtesy of

Dear Doc McStuffins,

I am writing this letter to you today to say, from the bottom of my exhausted heart, THANK YOU. I am not one who supports the idea of my child watching endless hours of television, but there is no denying the happiness he feels when watching your show. While there are a couple of others my son likes, no one compares to you. To him, you are the icing on the cake, the cherry and sprinkles on top, the chocolate chip in his cookie.

Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of

Thank you for your theme song which when played is like the magic flute of the pied piper (without the tragic ending of course). The instant my son hears it, he smiles, even if in the middle of a complete and total meltdown. He runs to the television, dances and sings as if in a trance by your magical powers. He could listen to your song on repeat all day long if I let him(I’ve thought about it). And to be honest, it is kind of catchy and the least annoying cartoon song I’ve heard to date.

Thank you to all of your stuffed animal friends. My son thinks they are funny and giggles when they come to life and do silly things. He especially loves when Lamby sings; it’s like a lullaby to him.

Thank you for your cute “morals of the story” and the every day instructions you make fun. He doesn’t understand about washing his hands, checkups, or allergies yet, but someday he will.

But most of all, thank you for being the toddler whisperer for my child. Some days there is just no pleasing him! He’s cranky and fussy and I’m at my whit’s end.  And then….the magic happens, the sun shines and the stars align as it is Doc McStuffins time! He can run to the TV, sing and dance and although this mom thinks she needs a break, the overwhelming adorable quality of seeing him be so happy in such a pure, childish moment, will make this mom smile, laugh and sing along. Whatever was frustrating or exhausting will be washed away in an instant, for both of us.

Nothing in the world compares to the smile on a child’s face, especially when it’s your own child. Thank you for giving us extra smiles today and every day.

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18 Responses to Dear Doc McStuffins

  1. rarasaur says:

    Doc McStuffins is the best! It works like magic on my nieces- The Doc is in and she’ll fix you up… and poof, no more crying. :D

  2. Gypsy says:

    I’ve never heard of Doc McStuffins, but I can already tell I love him (her?).
    Felt it when you described how your little guy lit up upon hearing the theme song. Beautiful!

    • Thanks Gypsy! Doc is a little girl who is trying to be like her mom who is a doctor. When no one is around her stuffed animals and toys come to life and she fixes them when they are sick or broken. It’s pretty cute actually. :-) And he loves it!

  3. Lisa Nelson says:

    It’s a good one - definitely! Yeah, sometimes you just need a break. It’s nice that there are great shows to watch, you know? It is so hard to be on 18-20 hours a day. Right now, we are on a Pingu Kick. I have tried so many shows, an we always come back to Pingu. Between you and me, I wish he would allow me to put Doc McStuffins on. Anything would be better than Pingu - and the Pinguineese that they speak. It’s my thought he likes it because they talk sort of like he does.

    Thanks so much for this great post - and thanks for linking up with us at the Mommy Monday Blog Hop! Have a fantastic week.

  4. I miss the days of watching cartoons!! My favorite when I was little was David the Gnome, because he always helped the animals. :) I know my mom sure was appreciative when all four of us kids plopped down in front of the television and gave her a break for her sanity! lol

  5. mrsthaywood says:

    My oldest Girlies is absolutely IN LOVE with Doc McStuffins…she even dressed as her for Halloween this year. My other two Kiddies are also totally entertained by her as well. a show like this is very helpful on those days when momma just needs a good 30 minutes to get something (anything) done. :D

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