Hi there!
I’m so glad you are enjoying this little space of mine and are even considering advertising or sharing your space with me. Here is some information to help answer any questions you may have.
Commercial/Business Requests: Currently, I am not self-hosted and as most know, WordPress.com prohibits advertisements. While I appreciate the many inquiries I have received from companies, I am unable to oblige your requests at this time.
Fellow Bloggers: I’d love to swap buttons with you and help spread the word about your unique place in this fantastic blogging community. Just leave a comment or contact me via email (contact page) and let’s swap! Button sizes need to be 200×200 please! If you don’t want to swap and just want to tell the world how great I am, just feel free to grab a button below.
Hi you are now a part of my sidebar x
Thank you! I will get you on mine today!
Okay- you’re on my sidebar. Let me know if you need a different size button than the one on my page.
Awesome! You’re on my sidebar as well!