Being an expat can sometimes be lonely. I often times find myself searching for ways to meet new people, find new groups and seek out people in similar situations. Upon this search one day, I came across an article about expat parents raising their children in a foreign place. While reading this article, I discovered I was familiar with the two expat bloggers they referenced. This made me more curious so I began searching about the site. I found that the Young Germany has a lot to offer, including their own blog. If you check it out, you will see that yours truly has been featured as a guest on their site today. You can see my post here or below.
People Are People. Everywhere.
As featured on Young Germany
7.1 billion. Let that soak in for a minute as you contemplate just how large this number actually is. According to the United States Census Bureau (2012), as documented in Wikipedia, that number is the total population on Earth. It’s almost overwhelming when you think of it in that manner. To top it off, those 7.1 billion people are spread out over 193-196 (depending on your source) countries. With each person being unique, each country having its own culture, it would be safe to assume that we are all very different. It is therefore understandable that when traveling to a foreign country some people may have this fear or uneasiness that the people will be so different that there are no similarities. This is a hard feeling to describe and I know it exists because I have felt it myself.
This is my second time living in Germany so you would think that this fear would have been non-existent upon my return; however, it wasn’t. Granted, it was less than before, but the overwhelming process of adjusting to a new culture can make even the most outgoing of people a potential hermit. But the more you go out and interact with people in your new country, the more you realize we really aren’t that different. Sure, we have different foods and cultural norms, but our inner core is still that of a human being.
My husband and I were out running errands one day and people were driving too slow or too fast, cutting you off, flying through parking lots, parking like they are still in driving school and I said to him,“I guess nothing changes no matter where you live; you still have idiots everywhere“. That’s when it hit me, people are people everywhere. We all make mistakes. We all have feelings and emotions. We all have goals and dreams. We are all out trying to survive and enjoy life. So why should I be so nervous about interacting with these people? They are no different than I am and more than likely, they are just as nervous about interacting with me. Many times, this is the exact reason why a German who knows English won’t speak it which is again, no different than this American who is learning German but afraid to speak it.
Fear. Excitement. Love. Hate. Happiness. Sadness. Knowledge. Ignorance. It’s all the same regardless of where you live. So, don’t be nervous and get out there and enjoy the differences while relishing the similarities! Happy travels!
an interesting website they have.
Learning another language with music is a great idea btw
Yep. I like it a lot. I think music will be helpful when I know more words. I just need to speak more.
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Brilliantly stated.
Thanks Gypsy
So true. Weirdos and oddballs everywhere. Oh and the positive stuff you said is also true
Haha. Oh Linda….still struggling in England?
Just a little! Squash tonight to belt some frustration out of my system!
Since moving to France, blogging has been my lifeline. I’ve made some wonderful friends because of it, some I’ve actually met and hang out with, and some I know are only an email away. The expat blogging community is a great one to be a part of
I agree! I’ve met some amazing people through blogging and only wish I could meet them live and in person!
Wow - this post is so relevant for me right now, thank you! I’m going to check out the website you reference too, although I’m in Sweden I think a lot of the advice applies. Thanks again!
You are so welcome! Thanks for the nice comment and for the follow. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions and maybe I can help. Your blog looks fun and interesting! I’m looking forward to reading.
Great post! I too am in a similar situation here in Germany. As for communicating with other People in German, after 2 years Im still not there yet. I am very glad to have found your blog & look forward to reading it!
Thank you for the compliment and taking the time to check out my blog! I will check yours out as well. What part of Germany are you in?
I was just telling my husband as we were on a walk a few weeks ago that I rarely really feel like I live in another country. Another state perhaps, but not necessarily another country. Then again, when I do feel like we live in a different country, it is usually because I’ve had a stressful, challenging or just downright difficult situation interacting with a German person - often having something to do with German bureaucracy.
Something I absolutely know now though is that people are people everywhere and idiots, assholes and genuinely friendly/happy are not solely confined to America or [insert country of choice here].
Nice post.
Thanks for dropping by and following “Honey.” We lived overseas for 25 years. Germany was a four year stop. I miss the excitement!
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