Well friends, I’m here and it looks like my computer is back to normal! I’m so relieved about that, but still nervous that I will need a new laptop soon. It’s old and it’s time, but financially it is definitely not time.
So yesterday I had this lovely post planned for my weekly series of Five Simple Things but then my day started slowly going…..well to complete shit. My day started off normal, getting the boy up, getting his breakfast ready, having my coffee. And then I sat down to write and although my computer seemed to be fine, neither of my browsers would work. I read some forums via my iPad (you have to love technology!) and I was concerned my browsers had become hijacked. I spent somewhere between 5-8 hours on this problem all the while dealing with a little monster who decided yesterday was the day to have meltdowns every 10 minutes.
The day from hell didn’t end there.
M decided to surprise me with a new phone that I have wanted for a while. The iPhone 5 (no, not the new ridiculously expensive one) arrived at my house yesterday! I was so excited despite being so royally aggravated. I took my new beauty out the box, plugged it in and started charging it so when M got home he could put the new SIM card in that he had already received in the mail as well. So much for those plans. M got home and first thing he did was attempt to put in the SIM card. They sent the wrong one. Seriously? At this point, I contemplated throwing my own tantrum. Somehow, I maintained my composure just used some graphic words to describe my feelings about my day and the SIM card.
And…..that’s not all folks. Not even close.
I had also been planning on attending a Lia Sophia jewelry party a friend was having and had decided that all I really wanted to was drink so maybe I shouldn’t go. But then I decided it would be nice to have some girl time, get out of the house, have some adult interaction without the monster and meet some new people. So off I went. Guess what happened next? Yep. Something really stupid; not tragic, but stupid, possibly expensive and even more aggravating. I hit a parked car. Really Deanna? A parked car? I was so distracted by my day that when I turned into the parking spot, I didn’t even realize that a van had taken up two spots, making mine much smaller than I clearly realized. As I turned in, my front right bumper made a stunning new decorative scratch on this poor woman’s side rear bumper/fender. Great. I was hoping it was someone at the party so I could find the owner, but it wasn’t. After standing around outside and finally just deciding to take down the license plate and leave a note, a woman emerged from a nearby house and began walking toward thecar. It ended up being a nice German lady who was visiting someone in the village who actually thanked me for being honest with what I had done.
But wait, it doesn’t end there.
After talking to M on the phone, M talking to the lady on the phone, M decided to call the Polizei to have them do a report of the accident and make sure the damage was accurate as her car is as old as ours. I’ve been in Germany almost 5 months and already had my first experience with German police. Fantastic. I can knock that one off my “To Do List”. However, they were very thorough in investigating it and said they were not going to issue me a fine because I had been honest about what I had done and simply asked me to pay more attention. Will do officer!
So, after all of that, I basically missed the party; however, I did meet some fun new people and the last 45 minutes I spent there I really enjoyed. We all laughed about it. I did my best to calm down so I could drive home without any further incidents. I ended up meeting someone who reminded me just how small the world is, even in another country. She and I have a very funny connection to a person no longer in either of our lives. I decided to go ahead and go home and call it quits on this day. Thankfully, I made it home safe, my boys were both at home, safe and sound, sleeping peacefully.
So, today, I’m still going to share some gratitude because after my first cup of coffee during this early morning and writing out this post, I see just how much I have to be thankful for after such a dreadful day.
- I am thankful for coffee and waffles with butter and syrup. Yep. After not really eating yesterday, this was a sweet treat I decided to indulge in.
- I am so thankful for this forum that ended up helping me save my computer and get me back up and running.
- I am so so thankful for such a sweet husband who surprised me with my new iPhone 5.
- I am beyond grateful that I only hit a parked car, no one was hurt and truly the damage is pretty insignificant. I’m honestly a bit surprised as old as her car is that she is going to bother with getting estimates and such.
- I am also so thankful for the new friend I made, who kindly helped me by being my translator and middle man between myself, the Polizei, M, and the woman whose car I hit. Between the connection we have from the past and our current mutual friend, I’m hoping we can get to know each better.
Yesterday made me want to scream. It made me cry. It definitely made me want some alcohol. But as you can see, I still have so many reasons to express gratitude and in the end, everything worked out.
Oh, what a day indeed! I am glad to hear that everything worked itself out with the phone, the car, the party, meeting a nice person. I can only imagine how stressful that must have been though! Here’s hoping today is a better day! I do know the feeling of having an older computer, one that randomly decides to have its own toddler meltdowns periodically, usually at very inconvenient times! I brought my old laptop from America with me and think that it will not be long before a replacement is due. That also does not fit into our financial situation but it is necessary - hopefully not soon though
I feel like my laptop helps keep my sanity these days, so when it threatened to die on me, I had a severe mental meltdown!
But yes, we are getting a new SIM card today, laptop seems to be working and apparently there really isn’t any damage to our car. Phew! And even as much as M loves his car, he was very sweet and kind to me when I was freaking out about it. Hope you have a great day also!
Oh no, so sorry
I’m just glad it’s over.
Grr I hate those kinds of days, and they’re always a little bit tougher because you’re overseas and not in your home town. Way to hang in there and keep the positivity!
Yah I’d say it was all a bit more stressful just because I am overseas. Good point!
I’m finding that gratitude really helps change perspective.
What a day it must have been! But I’m glad you pointed out the brighter side of things. There is always a reason to smile.
Thank you
Ugh, what a horrible day! YAY for making a friend though
Yes, definitely glad to have gone, but only wish I would have paid better attention!
Sounds like one of those days when you would be better off going back to bed, waking up and trying again! Maybe you got all your bad luck for the rest of the year finished with in one day, and will have nothing but smooth(er) sailings from here on out. lol
I said exactly that before I left the house! Lol
What a terrible day; I can’t even imagine navigating some of it in another language. Virtual hugs!
Thank you! And, yes, it was intimidating even with a translator!
Sorry about your crappy day and missing out on a much-needed adult get-together. Hoping today was better!
Thank you! Yes, today was much better. I don’t think it would take much to beat yesterday!
Gosh, I would struggle to come up with a positive for that kinda day. But good for you for managing that. Big hugs. If I could post you a gin and tonic, I would.
Haha! Thanks Hannah and I love gin and tonic with a lime.
Aww man, what a day! I feel like I’m in the middle of one of those today… Waffles actually sound like a pretty good remedy!
Oh no! Hope your day gets better and by all means, have a waffle.
Sorry you had a bad day! I hate when everything awful happens at once… doesn’t it seem like that’s always the case? Enjoy your new iPhone!
It does seem like some days are like that! I am LOVING my new phone. It was a much needed upgrade.
Ugh, sounds rough! So sorry you had such a bad day:(
It was, but at least it’s over! Thanks for stopping by!
I love this! I can relate to having days where it seems like one thing after another seems to go wrong. This linkup or series I should say sounds to be rather therapeutic. You were able to let it all out and then get back to what you are thankful for despite all that happened.
Thanks! Yes, it is very therapeutic! I actually look forward to doing it every week for exactly that reason. Thanks for stopping by!
Good for you for still focusing on the positive after such a horrible day! I hope you have a much, much better weekend
Aww thanks Sara!